Monday, January 28, 2008

I love being me

OK, this post is not done out of arrogance...just to clairfy that.

At some point this morning, I realized that I love being me. I have a great life: a beautiful girlfriend, awesome friends, a great job...

People call me for tech advice/support.

just....yeah :D

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

on being resolute

Forgive my Blogger for I have sinned; It's been 35 days since my last post.

I don't do New Years Resolutions....I try to take care of things as they happen, not when I buy a new calendar. That being said, I'm not doing a good job of either.

I find myself being snarky alot lately, and fairly cynical as well. Not traits one desires when trying to be a leader in the church. I think that snark and cynicism have places in one's personality, they just don't need to be the dominating traits on one's personality. The news bores me to no end, with all the coverage of the election. By the time November rolls around, it will have been over two years of solid coverage. So help me God, no one better start campaigning immediately after this election or I will move to Mexico and live like a gringo on the beaches of the Pacific.

I find myself wanting to be entertained alot lately; seeking amusement rather than musings. Am I giving in to the American idea of me me me, or do I lack the initiative to forge my way and no go the easy route, to instead think for myself? Admittedly, the writers strike hasn't affected me all that much, as I pretty much gave up most TV when I started working second shift. I want to read more; Holly loaned me a book and I ate it I'm asking "what's next?"

I keep meaning to join a gym, but haven't done it. I'm developing a belly that's bigger than I'd like, and I'm short of breath more often than I care to admit.

I keep meaning to read my Bible more, but it lies in my bag, carried with me everywhere, read nowhere.