Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sometimes a nut is just a nut

"We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions." ~Ronald Reagan

I wanted to take some time to think about what to say and let the rawness of the news from Tucson on Saturday settle down a bit.

Holly and I were watching TV when the breaking news about the shooting came on. I had a bad feeling when I saw the breaking news logo, knowing it wasn't something like an oil spill or other item like that.

We were both a bit stunned and shocked by it. I immediately went to the 'net to see what was being said. The less rational, on both sides, were already pointing fingers, even though there wasn't much known about the shooter or his motives.

Those more rational people cut through the noise and chastened those pointing fingers and implored readers to simply pray for those injured.

Do I think everyone needs to step back from the ledge of the political landscape and calm the f**k down? Yes! I'm all for being passionate about a political stance, but there comes a point when passion turns into irrational behavior.

This thought keeps coming back to me: sometimes a nut is just a nut. There is no political motivation, just insanity.

Monday, January 3, 2011

looking back, looking ahead...

I'm sitting at the Mcdonald's on Moorland across from Brookfield Square. Holly's car is at the mechanic doing the work I couldn't get done, namely the fuel filler neck.

I summed up my thoughts on 2010 by saying these words: "get bent". I meant it. 2010 felt like such a crap year that I don't ever want to go through again. It was the first year I worked less than I was off, 4 1/2 months working vs. 7 1/2 months off. Money got tight. I stopped sleeping regularly because I was worried about making ends meet. Wondering if I would find a job at some point. Doubting my self worth.

There were, of course, so great thing about 2010: Holly took me to Vegas for my birthday, and we got to see our first Sprint Cup race together, and then she took me to Indy for another race. Vegas was bought and paid for before I was laid off, for Indy we pinched pennies and made things work.

We got a dog and named him Lumos. White Miniature Schnauzer. Cute little guy who won me over rather quickly, despite my doubts I would take to him. Holly badgered me about getting a dog, and wore me down to the point where when we signed the lease on our new place, she started looking. We brought him home the day we moved in. the first week or so was rough, since we have to housebreak him, and Holly was sick, so that was left to me. He's a great companion during the day and has more than once reminded me that we all need someone to lean on, usually when he's leaning on me while I sit on the couch.

Holly and I celebrated our first annivesary of marriage. When folks ask me what I've learned in that year, I tell them I've learned how to hit curveballs very well, as life threw alot of curveballs at us.

I'm eager to see what 2011 brings for us, and I hope it's a good year for you too.