Friday, January 23, 2009

end of the week

Interesting day today.

Work actually went by pretty quick, especially for a Friday. With everything slowing down lately, I tend to have gaps of a couple hours between customers and sometimes even phone calls.

The fun began around 3:30pm. Customer comes in to pick up an order and we start talking shop and what not. Then another guy showed up a few minutes later, followed by guys 3 & 4.

Guy 2 was in and out. Guy 1 worked with guy 3, so they were talking about work stuff while I took care of guy 4.

Guy 4 heads out and I start taking care of Guy 3, who has a couple of lists. Get him taken care of, staying over about 40 minutes by the time I pulled his orders and did my end of day stuff. I don't mind actually...Holly has a girls' night and I've got nothing on my agenda.

On the way home, get my oil changed, then get home. Lemon pepper chicken and broccoli for dinner. Listen to the Bucks game while I work on my file server, then I pop in Iron Man.

A little Bailey's to cap off the night and just relaxin'.

Friday, January 16, 2009

grace vs. tolerance

I've been thinking alot lately about the difference between grace and tolerance.

To tolerate someone, to me at least, sound like you are "putting up with them," as though you merely deal with someone (or the trait the bugs you) as a nuisance.

Tolerant adv 1: inclined to tolerate ; especially : marked by forbearance or endurance <tolerant parents> tolerant of religious differences>2: exhibiting tolerance (as for a drug or an environmental factor)

Grace, on the other hand, is not merely "putting up with someone" but loving someone in spite of them self, just as God loves us.

Grace noun
1 a: unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b: a virtue coming from God c: a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace 2 a: approval , favor graces> barchaic : mercy , pardon c: a special favor : privilege grace, shall rule his heritage — Rudyard Kipling> d: disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency e: a temporary exemption : reprieve

Unmerited, that's how grace is given, for no other reason to BE GIVEN.

Certain humanist groups feels they should be tolerated by those who disagree with them...they demand merit.

We, who have no merit, are given grace by the One who loves us. Tolerance is a cheap imitation of grace and will never take the place of grace.