Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 1 of being unemployed

So, I've now been unemployed for a week.

It still sucks.

I've applied for 14 jobs via job websites and thru references from friends.

I'm trying to be up and to "work" by 8am, that is, showered, dressed, fed and to my desk looking for a job. I have lunch around 11 or so.

I can't shake the weird feeling of being laid off, which is good I suppose; I don't want to get complacent.

My wife continues to being my biggest cheerleader and for that I am grateful.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Where do I go from here?

I lost my job today.

1:20 in the afternoon.

Turned in my keys and was walked out the door.

Why? The economy...if no one's building, no one's wiring, and that means parts aren't being sold.

Made some phone calls on my way home, first to my wife, then to the guys I've worked with at the store level for the last couple years. All the guys were shocked, to say the least.

Called my parents to let then know.

Filed for unemployment online.

I've never been let go from a job before, so it's all still sinking in.

Holly and I will talk through some things tonight, and Monday will feel really weird.

Where to from here?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Night and Day

Holly and I have been married six months now; we're still making adjustments as far as living together.

I commented last night that I think that a one spouse is a compliment to the other; some people get a spouse who is just like them, others get a spouse who is the complete opposite.

Holly and I fall into the opposite category.

Don't get me wrong, the opposite thing works out great for both of us. There are times I need motivation to do task oriented things that my ADD mind can't/won't track with; Holly sometimes needs positive encouragement, like after having a rough day at work.

Point is, I love my wife, and I can't imagine being married to anyone just doesn't work.