Holly and I went on a date last night...be a while since we had done that. We decided to do dinner and a movie.
We went to see Sherlock Holmes in Delafield...yes, you need to go see it.
We got there early and grabbed a snack and a soda before the movie to hold us until dinner. When the theater was available, we made our way in and chose our seats.
At some point before the movie started, 8 teens made their way into the theater and began looking for seats. Fortunately, Holly and I were the winners of the "lets pick who to annoy" challenge.
They took up seats behind us and immediately started talking...actually, continued talking whatever they were talking about as they walked into the theater.
I looked at Holly and rolled my eyes. We didn't drop $19 to listen to these skinny jean wearing, bubble gum popping morons ruin the movie for us. Holly picked up on my cue and after another preview filled with chatter from behind, turned to the group and said "you guys aren't going to talk through the whole movie, are you?"
That shut them up. One of them answered meekly "no." We thanked them and glanced at each other and smiled. Then the movie started.
Why did I let Holly say something instead of me? She tends to be softer about it than I am. :)