Thursday, December 22, 2005

¿so this is Christmas?

one of the things I like about my job is the non-retail part of it...I don't have to deal face to face with the people who bought the product I'm shipping out. I was thinking about this last night and just pondering that I really haven't gotten into "Christmas" yet, or at least as the world does. Christmas for me is so much more about my family than the gifts I give. It's about time shared with the ones I love. Don't get me wrong: I love giving gifts. I just prefer to give all year long, not just one day.

I think it was a couple of years ago that I really latched onto Christmas and my faith. We celebrate Christ's birth every December 25th...but shouldn't we celebrate it every day? Maybe some of you have beaten me to the realization, as I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of's kind of funny in a way...Christmas and Easter...the time to attend church for the "casual" church goer...and yet so interconnected...without birth you cannot have death....and without Christ's death we cannot have everlasting life, or even life to it's fullest here on Earth.

Dear friends, I hope that you have a most excellent Christmas this year, wherever you are and whoever you are with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Without the Cross, the manger becomes a symbol of a great practical joke - promise of something beyond worth that never comes to pass. Without the Manger, the Cross loses its power and becomes just the death of another man.