Saturday, January 14, 2006

missing persons

Lately I've been thinking about the people that I miss. I miss them due to my work schedule, I miss them do to a change in their church habits...I just miss them.

I miss John and Jen...I was best man in their wedding this past summer...I've seen them a couple times since...

I miss my friend Brandon...he's the reason I moved to Milwaukee almost 7 years ago...

I miss Mark and Kathy, Randy and Shelly, John and Amy, Jim and Kathy, and a host of other breaks my heart when people inside God's house hurt each other to the point where some people have no choice but to leave to find healing...

I miss my roommates....I get to see them more than I see other people, but not nearly as often as I'd like....


Anonymous said...

Hey Chad,
I hear you bro, I miss so many people too! Part of life I guess?! One chapter closed another opened. Looks like the characters in the book are changing too. I'm thankful for the God who ties us all together. Wait until heaven! Together with each other and praising our Savior too! AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chad
We miss you too and many others as well. I do not understand people that say they love Christ yet clearly hate or despise fellow Christians. It breaks my heart and I know it must grieve the heart of God. But, this I am sure of - healing will come and in the midst of it I am holding on to Jesus with everything I've got! We'd love to get together again - stop in anytime or give us a call (Holly too)! Take care my friend!