Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lets do the Time Warp

Alright boys and girls, let's fire up the Delorean and do 88 mph....

Micah, sitting in my truck, June 2002

My Dad, June 2002, holding my angry nephew

Andy, Sean and Micah. These guys are all in college now. May 2002

My friend Brandon

My friend Jason on his wedding day. He and his wife are expecting their first child.

Me...June 4, 2002

ME again, better side shot of me rockin' the sideburns

I remember that being a great summer. That August, a group of us went on a mission trip to the Texas/Mexico border. The shot of my Dad is from a family reunion in Peoria. I had been in Milwaukee three years at the point. It's now been eight years, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Holly o:) said...

I'm SO glad you got rid of those sideburns! :)

Unknown said...

so...I shouldn't bring them back?

Julie said...

I see the geo metro!!!!