tonight I had pleasure of unbricking an iPhone for a friend of mine. It's his son's iPhone actually, but Brian asked if I could take a look at it. The son had tried to put an aftermarket firmware on his iPhone, and it broke it. I'm writing this to save people the steps I couldn't find to make it easier for them to get back to working status.
First, you should pop out the SIM card. It's located at the top of the iPhone, between the headphone jack and the power button. You'll need something small to push firmly into the ejection hole, but it does pop up. I used needle nose pliers to slide the SIM card holder further out til I could grasp it with my fingers.
Next, you'll want to make sure the usb cord is plugged into the computer you have iTunes on, but not plugged into the iPhone yet. power the iPhone up, then power it down by holding both the power button and the home button. Continue to hold down the home button after the iPhone is "off" , then plug in the iPhone, then start iTunes manually.
With a minute or so, iTunes should find the iPhone, in "recover mode" It will then ask you if you want to basically wipe out everything and start over. I believe this is your only choice. iTunes will then download the current firmware (1.1.3) and then install it on the iPhone.
After the iPhone was restored, I powered it off, then re-inserted the SIM card. I powered the iPhone back up, most of the functions were there. just for good measure, I did a restore once more, and after that, the iPhone was just like new. I made a test call to my phone on it, and vice versa. I connected to my home wireless network. I browsed the internet on it. I tried to test it as best as I could.
Hopefully, this helps someone save about 3 hours of looking for the way to restore their iPhone after a failed Jailbreak like this was.
Feel free to drop me a line, and I'll answer questions as best I can.