Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm enjoying what evenings entail at home: dinner, usually a movie and time with my wife. We're still putting away gifts and acquiring more stuff we need, but for the most part, we've got a nice little groove.

As far as my job, two weeks ago I was re-assigned to the main office from the branch location I was managing, with the job of being the swing man again. Being Swing means that I get to travel to any store where the guy managing (or the sidekick) needs time off. I like the variety and I do well at it; that's why I was brought back to be the Swing. The hard part this time is that I no longer live central to all the stores, but farther west, near the Oconomowoc store I was managing. All that means is that I need to be up sooner to hit Grafton, West Bend or Oak Creek. I get mileage for anything over my normal commute to Brookfield, so it's not too bad. Some nights on the way home, I hit a mess of traffic, like today after the Brewer's game, but I'm thankful that I'm still working right now.

We're still getting used to sleeping next to each other. Both of us wake up in the night and adjust, and I'm sure Beloved wakes up at my snoring, but I think overall, we're doing ok. We take turns cooking and doing the dishes and just enjoy spending time together.

I'm liking this :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

an outside perspective on our wedding

Our friend Diane offered her take on the wedding proceddings.

Thanks Diane :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday, honeymoon week


Out the door at 10:30am to head as far north as we could without getting on a boat or leaving Wisconsin. Our destination was the National Shoreline near the Apostle Islands.

The GPS had us taking roads that didn't exist anymore right from the start...when leaving the cabin, we were told to take a left. After driving about, oh, 300 feet, we realized this was no longer a road, but someone's driveway to their cabin. Turn the car around and head back the other way...did I just hear a soft crunching sound? Oh well, off we go.

Once we get going in the right direction, we ended up taking some "roads", if by "roads" you mean there are no trees in the middle of the dirt path, then yes, we were on "roads."

We finally find some pavement again and proceed almost due north. I realized the car felt different and wiggled it a bit side to side. Pull the car over and check the tires. Sure enough, left rear was soft. Proceed down the road at the posted speed limit and slowing down for right hand corners, we finally make it into Mercer, where there appears to be some sort of street festival and a blatant disregard for motor vehicles. Find some fix-a-flat and put that into the tire, then drive a ways up the road to find an air pump to fill the tire the rest of the way.

With that adventure taken care of, we made our way up Highway 51 to Ashland Wisconsin, and stopped for lunch around 1pm, then continued up Highways 2 and 13 to Bayfield where we stopped at the Apostle Islands Visitor's Center to get some info and a map or two. Holly found a cute little lighthouse to give as gift to a family member when we get back. Holly also read a posted notice that one of the islands was re-opened now due to the lack of bear attacks on campers. Tasty.

Back to Highway 13 and north we continued to Red Cliff to find Blueberry Road. Now, the ranger at the Visitor's Center said Blueberry Road was the better option...I humbly disagree. Not that Blueberry Road won't get you to Point Detour, but at some point, the pavement ends and the "road" keeps going.

After travelling about 12 miles or so at 20 miles an hour, we made it to Point Detour. Park the car and make our way down the "stairs". Now, most of the "stairs" were there, but the "landing" halfway down was mostly gone, save for one lone board in the middle. Jumping wasn't an option as you could miss then tumble down into Lake Superior.

Once we made it to the bottom, we found ourselves standing on beautiful red sandstone rocks the size of our car. We could see a couple of the islands not too far offshore, maybe a few miles out. The waves of Superior crashed against the rocks as we walked along the shoreline. We saw a couple of kayakers off the shore headed west.

After monkeying around for a bit, we climbed back up the "stairs" and poked around the campground that was nearby, then headed over to Little Sand Bay. Walking down the pier, we saw that the kayakers had made their way over to the Bay. We took a few more pictures and then got back in the car to start making our way home.

We decied to take the paved route back to Red Cliff, which was much nicer and probably a bit faster then Blueberry Road. Down to Bayfield to snap shots of a couple of beautiful houses, then south to Ashland again.

We made it home about a quarter to 7 in the evening. A very fun day that gave us a few ideas about future getaways :)

Monday and Tuesday of the honeymoon


After waking up and having breakfast, Holly and I headed back into town to walmart to pick up some odds and ends we missed as well as buy the alcohol we were denied the previous night.

Upon returning to the cabin, I tried to get the pontoon boat started to no avail. I knew I was missing something, but wasn't sure what, so we called Volker and GiGi and left a message on their machine.

We headed to the house where I was given a wonderful back massage by Holly; so good in fact, that I fell asleep shortly after she finished. Holly woke me up a short time later to let me know that Volker was on the phone to tell me how to get the boat started.

We decided to try to find the pizza place in town GiGi recommended in the handy guide they left us, but it appeared to be closed. Oh well, Perkins for the win!

After dinner, we cruised to downtown Minocqua to look at some of the shops and maybe plan out a shopping trip. Most stores close at 7, so we made it into only one before just walking around more to work off the monster slice of peanut butter cup pie we had with dinner.

When we returned home, I managed to get the boat started and we took a pleasure cruise around the lake before it was too cool out to enjoy and too dark to see.


Up and at'em at the crack of 9:30, we headed to town around 11:30 and grabbed smoothies at a coffee shop with wireless so we could check online on a couple things and touch base with everyone.

After that, we headed downtown to shop. We stopped at Gaslight Square to poke around some shops and head upstairs to the antique shop. We walked around, just looking at everything in the antique shop and marveling at how old some of it was and how good most of the things were.

After antiquing, we walked some more, then grabbed lunch at T. Murtaugh's pub. Great cheese curds and everything else as well! I got Holly hooked on that quarter game, you know the one, where you dropped one quarter in and try to knock several quarters out. We played that game for quite a while before heading up the road a bit to some more shops. There, we picked up a pewter dragon for Holly, and some cheese, chocolate and fudge for later.

We came home so we could water the plants and clean out the car. With that accomplished, we took a trip to Lake of the Torches casino to try our hand at the games. There weren't too many card table games, other than blackjack, so we tried a couple of slot machines and then landed at some video poker machines. We only took a $20 in each and left the rest at home so we wouldn't mortgage our future. I had fun, but Holly wasn't really to thrilled by it, other than feeling like we were in a Vegas movie.

Home for dinner on the screen porch, then watched the sunset over the lake before the ballgame. As I write this, we're enjoying some of the chocolate and the peanut butter fudge we picked up today and we'll be watching another movie tonight.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

So, I got married...

Let's start with the events of the wedding day itself and move on from there.

I woke up at 7:30, hit snooze once and then headed for a shower and shave. I wasn't feeling up to breakfast, as my stomach was a bit uneasy.

Headed to my friend's house to pick up the getaway car. Curtis has a 1964 Corvair Spyder convertible, with the turbocharged V-6 and 4 speed manual. After a quick lesson in how to handle the top, I was off to the church. I hit a spot of rain and had to pull over quick to put the top up.

I get to the church, park the car under the overhang and head inside to get changed. A couple of my guys are already there and the rest join us soon. Being guys, of course we goofed around and made fun of each other while changing. My groomsman Eric hands me the flask I had given him and told me it was mine for the day. He had filled it with MacGillicuddy's, which left me with minty freshy breath and took the edge off of my nerves.

The guy's pictures were set for 10am, and we were in for a treat. Holly and I hired Valo Photography to do our pictures based on the work Valo had done on our friend Emily's wedding last fall. The guys pictures were taken in the gym at church and we got a chance to have some fun. Simon has a shot of me trying to "run away" with my guys holding me back.

Once the guys were done with pictures, we had lunch. Holly's dad had run to get a couple of Counsin's party subs and believe me, subs have never tasted so good. I managed to have a couple of pieces of sub and some soda to calm my churning stomach.

After lunch, the guys headed upstairs for some air and to keep me away from Holly. Basically, we were killing time until the ceremony.

At 12:30, my best man John, Pastor Kent and myself went behind the sanctuary to wait for the ceremony to begin. I took a sip of my flask and felt my nerves calm down a bit. John prayed with me and Kent joined us. I took a couple of peeks outside to see who was already seated then kept getting pulled back out of sight by John or Kent.

We hear our cue to walk out and take our places at the front of the stage. I felt the desire to wave to everyone, so I did, then said "hi guys." Everyone that knows me said "Hi Chad", and laughed some stress out.

The doors open and the couples start walking in. I started to feel the tears come, but held them back. After all the couples were in, the music faded out, then Holly's walk in music was on. At the right moment, the doors open and there was my bride! As her father led her down the aisle, I started to cry. I wiped my eyes because I wanted to see everything. Coming toward me was my bride and she looked amazing!! Adorned in a gorgeous dress, with her hair just right...just wow.

Pastor Kent starts the ceremony and asks Holly's father who gives this woman. Steve answers, "Her mother and I" through teary eyes. He then brought Holly and my hands together and went to sit next to Holly's mom.

I look at Holly and feel at peace. She was smiling at me as we stood there before the Pastor, our friends and the assembly.

As the ceremony progressed, I kept looking at Holly and she at me. We asked Pastor Kent to teach out of the Song of Solomon, which is a great book from the Old Testament of the Bible, giving him a chance to do something he hadn't taught on before.

We asked our friend Nick to play the song for the lighting of the unity candle. At my request, he played "When you Say Nothing at All" which Holly and I found sweetly ironic, given my pechant for talking.

We added the element of communion to our wedding as our faith in Christ is very important, and Pastor Kent was more than willing to lead us in that element. As we stood together after the candle lighting and communion, we sang the last verse of "When You Say Nothing At All" to each other.

I kissed my bride, lovingly and with intent. We turned to face our guests, grinning like fools. The pastor pronounced us Husband and Wife, and we walked out to "It's the End of the World as We Know It" by R.E.M. and danced our way up the aisle. I couldn't contain myself and let out a whoop as we neared the doors to the foyer.

One by one, our couples came out and then we went back in to dismiss our guests. We started on Holly's side with her parents, then to my side to greet my parents. We wanted to dismiss our guests so we could thank each one of them for coming, so we had the bridal party guiding guests downstairs for cake.

It was simply awesome to see so many of our friends come to see us be married. Old friends from growing up, work friends, and current friends. Both Holly and I enjoyed seeing everyone and having a chance to see them all at least once, since we knew it would be difficult to see everyone once we were downstairs for cake and punch.

Once downstairs, we cut the cake. Holly and I each took a forkful to feed each other with, only Holly took a bite of her own cake, leaving me hanging. She smirked at me, then took another forkful and fed me as I her. The cake was then wheeled away to be cut, and the sheet cakes were wheeled in to be eaten. Holly and I set the guests on the cake and then sat for a bit, since we had been standing for a while.

Everyone was getting cake and punch and chatting, people were stopping by to congratulated us. We got some cake and punch and started to take it all in. Here we were, surrounded by loved ones, married, MARRIED!

Around 3, we headed back upstairs for the rest of the pictures. We took pictures with my grandparents first, as they were a bit tired. Once those were taken, we did the usual pictures with the family and bridal party and whatnot.

Once pictures at the church were done, Holly and I planned to take some pictures at the lakefront by the art museum, since that's where we met. We hopped in the car, left the church with the top down on the car, just for the fun of it, then stopped to put the top up so as not to muss Holly's hair.

We arrived at the lakefront to find six other weddings already there for pictures. We changed locations to the small park where Wisconsin Ave turns north, right in front of the art museum. Simon and Jake, the photographers, were having a blast setting up shots and directing us and taking the perfect pictures. We crossed the street and took a shot where Holly and I are on the street with the downtown skyline and the sun behind us.

We moved over in front of the art museum for some more shots, then down to Discovery World for some more fun. Jake made the comment that Holly and I were alot of fun to work with and that they were having fun.

After Discovery World, we headed out to the dinner reception for some final pictures, then food. Once again, surrounded by family, we got to enjoy some excellent food and conversation. We spent a couple hours chatting with friends and thanking them for being part of our special day.

After dinner, we had to take our getaway car back to Curtis. We picked up our car and headed to the Pfister for our first night together. We valet'd the car and a bellman took our bags up to our room. We felt so rich!!! Once in the room, I helped Holly out of her dress so she could shower and change. I needed a bit of normalcy, so I found the Brewer game on TV while I was waiting. Once Holly emerged from the bathroom we retired for the evening...hint hint ;)

We awoke in the morning ready for breakfast. Part of the package we had was a credit to the cafe for breakfast, so we took advantage of it. Holly had a ham and cheese omelet, and I had the biscuits and gravy. We left the cafe feeling quite full.

After packing our things and checking out, we headed to Holly's parent's house to pick up clothes for her for the week, and to say goodbye to Jon and Katie, and Moira. After they left we did some check endorsing and got the car loaded with Holly's things.

We headed to the bank to night drop the checks, only to find there's no night drop slot. We basically had to start over and put the check into ATM envelopes for the deposit....what a pain in the butt!!

We stopped by OUR apartment to grab a couple of small things, like the wine flutes we were given, so we could enjoy the wine someone else gave us. From there, we departed for our destination. The drive was nice: I had the Brewer game on the radio while Holly napped. We stopped for gas and Holly picked up some cheese to snack on for the final leg of the journey.

Once in Minocqua, we found the Walmart and picked up some breakfast and lunch stuff, as well as snacks. We ended up in line behind a lady who seemed to be stockpiling supplies for a kindergarten room. $375 later, she was done, but it was now after 9pm, so we couldn't buy they alcohol we had in the cart, despite being in line 20 minutes...Oh Well.

We got to the cabin about 9:30 and found the key and let ourselves in to find two more cards on the kitchen island, as well as a bottle of champagne and a tourists guide of restaurants in the area. Thanks to Volker and GiGi, and Ziggy and Sandy for that!!!

We unloaded the car, put away the groceries and then sat down in seats that didn't move. Put in a movie and vegged out. About 11:30, I woke Holly up and suggested we move to a bed so we could sleep properly that night.

The most awesome thing for me so far is that I get to sleep next to the woman I love at night, with her next to me, and wake up seeing each other in the morning.