Wednesday, September 14, 2011

somebody wake the rooster

Since I'm up early today, I may as well write, right? Lately my sleep patterns have been all over the map. Most nights I don't fall asleep until after midnight, and then don't want to get up the next day. Monday night, I took a sleeping pill and crashed by 10:30. I still didn't get up until 10:30 Tuesday Morning. Last night, I was in bed by 11, laid in bed for a while, and eventually fell asleep. I woke up at 5am without an alarm. You know that feeling of knowing you won't fall back asleep right away? Yeah, I had that, so I got out of bed, headed for the living room, turned on the morning news and had a bowl of cereal. The worst part of the wacky sleep schedule is that it knocks everything else out of order as well; my metabolism is goofed up from the irregular schedule and I've got no motivation. All that being said, I'm still looking for work. I've contact four different recruiters about various jobs, and posted countless resumes to online job boards. It enough to make me crazy...I JUST WANT A JOB!

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