Saturday, March 11, 2006

it's been a long week

it's been a long week for me, and it's not over yet...

Monday...the inventory server at work went down...2nd shift called off....we'll work 4 ten hour day to make up the lost night

Tuesday...the cold I feared I had Monday has work for Chad

Wednesday and 3:30 to 2, wind down, crash...up around 1 both days

Friday..up about 12:30ish..clean the bathroom, get ready for work, head to work...only to find out we have MANDATORY overtime on Saturday...12-4....I'll have to make arrangements with my assistant coach for my basketball game, since I won't be there to coach....last week too...oh..and I didn't quite beat my cold, so I think my bronchitis is flairing up now....dandy

I believe that Saturday night and Sunday I will do as little as possible so I don't wear myself out even more....lots of vitamin C and fluids are the order of the weekend...

what sucks is I was just getting into my groove when I was getting to bed at a reasonable time, and I let this week derail me....I'll start again next week, assuming we aren't up to our eyeballs in work....

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