Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Forgive me Blogger, for I have sinned; it's been 17 days since my last post.

Patience is the lesson lately. Waiting for things to sort themselves out...work, relationships, waiting for the holiday weekend so I can drive home and see my family.

Work is going well actually...Joe and I had a discussion and things are much smoother now. This week has been slow, since so many electricians like to hunt. One more day...

the side business continues to draw interest...patience in not wanting too much, too soon

patience in waiting for the Steak n Shake to get built in Wauwatosa....so close, yet so far...

Patience with myself, in many areas


~Jo~ said...

Well I can identify with the steak n shake issue :-) Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

Sarah said...

this has nothing to do with anything... but let's do some recording in January ... good? then we can both practice our musical talents!

as jer would say: woot!