Sunday, December 17, 2006

Forgive me Blogger, for it's been a long time since my last post.

I'm angry

I try not to post angry, since I'm working on being more tactful...I tend to shoot from the hip, so I'm going to do my best to hold my tongue...

In case you look at the time, I'm in church right now...I'm up in the sound booth.

I'm tired of feeling like I'm the only one who makes things work at one else would fill the I did it....I'm doing all the sound for the children's program, which meant practices for the last couple Sunday mornings, and yesterday from 9-12ish, then I filled the baptismal for today...

Holly's worried about me, that I'm doing too much...I worry that if I don't do these things, who will? Is that pride...or is it desire to serve?


Chris H said...

Hohnerdude, I totally relate to what you're saying. I was the de facto youth leader, sunday school teacher, sound guy, bass player, trustee... and other roles as well. To say I was busy is an understatement. I never said no because, well, it might not get done if I didn't do it, and then the church would be hurt by that absence.

Then, I moved to another province. Suddenly, someone else had to do those things. And other people did. Maybe they didn't get done the same way (or even as well) as I did them, but they got done. Nature, it is said, abhors a vacuum. So, if you said no, someone else would have to do it. And if they don't, then it doesn't get done. But, God's arm is not too short, His hand is not too withered to affect change without us.

So, you have my permission to say no to the next thing someone asks you to do. Explain that you feel like you're getting burned out and need to prevent that because you love to serve. Offer a hand if they need it (advice, for example), but say no.

Brandon J. Brown said...

On the risk of opening an unintentional worm can... let me just say that I understand how you feel... I have been there (in that exact spot actually). It is not pride or the desire to serve... those are excuses for the moral failure to say no. When I say yes when I know I should say no it is because I am not strong enough to do what I know to be right.

You are not the only one at the church who can do those things....

.. if you keep doing them they will let you....

... then no one will see the need...

... and you will be stuck doing them again and again...

... better to not do them in faith that God can raise up others to do what we are not able to.

We are not called to be more than we are... even though we serve a God who does not slumber... we have to.

Chris H said...

Excellent thoughts, Brandon. Well put.

When are you and Emily coming to Canada, anyway?