Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I haven't felt much like writing these days, either here or on my ranting blog, but I figured I may as well sit down and get some thoughts out that I have.

I had to restart the job search. The contract I was supposed to be on was delayed due to a parts shortage. I gave it six weeks of waiting past the original start date before saying screw it. I've been in touch with my recruiter the whole time and she understands my frustration.

At this point, I'll do just about anything for work. I have IT skills, but no formal education, so IT seems like a longshot to me. I have warehouse skills, but I've been out of that game for five years now. A staffing agency called me yesterday about a resume I sent regarding a warehouse job and the recruiter asked me what my dream job was. I jokingly said centerfielder for the Brewers, but I was past my prime, so just about anything at this point.

Anymore, my days go something like this; Wake up, make Holly her lunch and see her off to work, walk the dog, shower, watch the Price is Right, catch the noon news, walk the dog, eat lunch, listen to Belling, start dinner, welcome Holly home, hang out for the evening. Now I've added "look for a job" to that list as well.

My days bleed together and I constantly look at my phone to remind me which day it is. I'm doing my best to maintain a daily schedule of some sort so I can fall asleep at night.

I know it will get better, but when?


J. Gravelle said...




Diane said...

Waiting is the hardest thing. I've been out of work for four to six weeks twice, which was bad enough. Right after college it took me two years to land a full time job in my field. During that time, it was temp work, one part time job and a whole lot of waiting.

God moves in His time, not ours, and sometimes, it makes us crazy. Praying for you.