Wednesday, June 21, 2006

meat grinder

yesterday felt like I had been thru a meat grinder at work....left work super tired and more than a little frustrated....just one of those days I guess.

A few folks have emailed me or left me a note here asking how my transition to days has gone and how I feel about being back on days after being 2nd shift for so long. Overall, the transition has gone well, although I feel as though I never have enough time, only now it's because I'm scheduling more, instead of working at night. Meetings at church, softball, social obligations...things like that...It's just learing to re-adjust to my new far it's been just under a month, and I'm confident my schedule will settle down soon...I hope so.....

The toughest part for me has been going to bed at a reasonable body still wants to go to bed after midnight, although I'm trying to go to bed sooner...ok..not really, but I want to.

Rob Bell in Chicago next :)

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