Tuesday, July 4, 2006


the thought on my mind all day today was not one of just being an American, but being a patriot. The difference? To me, a patriot stands up for the ideals of a movement, not just the movement itself. America was founded on the belief of certain inalienable rights, handed down from the Creator, to be extended to all mankind. It seems to me that lately other's rights don't matter nearly as much as "my" rights. People are quick to anger when they feel their "rights" have been stepped on, even in a minor insignificant way. Lawsuits prevail as a means of settling disputes, and no one talks out grievances anymore, except thru lawyers.

I found myself in awe last night as I was walking to join my friends at the fireworks. I live in a country that allows me the freedom to travel at will, because I have a freely given privilege to drive; to assemble en masse and not fear retribution; to question the very government that protects me; to speak my mind and read what I want. Where else in the world can I do this? Really..where? I fear the old ways of Communist Russia are returning; you can't be a Nazi in Germany; there's genocide everywhere: Bosnia, Serbia, all over Africa; Dictators oppress those who speak against them; to be a Christian in many areas of the world will get you killed...and yet here's we complain when someone tell us that Christ wasn't who he said he was, or that there is no God.

I find myself captivated by those around me who don't realize how blessed we have been...God bless America? He has...time and time again,and yet we've tried to, or allowed, Him to be pushed aside...why have I not been a patriot for the Kingdom of Heaven? Why have I not stood up for the very One who stands up for me and goes before me daily? Partly fear, partly indifference...afraid to be bold and look "foolish", not caring enough about others to reach out to them...

Friends, do not forget the One who does not forget us.

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