Monday, December 1, 2008

of Turkey and White Death

Short Holiday weekend.

Holly had to work Friday, so we spent Thursday with her family at her aunt and uncle's house. Lots of food and football and family.

Friday I had a computer client, then that evening was a going away party for a friend of mine.

Saturday Holly and I headed south to my mom's house around 8. We rolled in around noon, they headed over to my grandparents' house to catch up with them.

Back to Mom's house to veg out and get ready for dinner. Mom had already decided she wasn't cooking so we ordered pizza, which was fine with me. My sister and family was also there, so we got to see my nieces and nephew.

After dinner, we just sat and talked and hung out. Holly got to play with my nephew's new Nerf chain gun. Twenty five rounds of Nerf goodness can be fire from the thing.

At the end of the night, Holly and I made our way over to my other grandparents' house to stay the night. My sister and the kids were staying at Mom's, and we didn't want to overcrowd the house.

Chatted with my grandparents for an hour or so, then headed to bed. Up in the morning to see the glorious snow already falling. My stepmom called and said she and Dad wouldn't be over due to the weather. Problem is, she was bring the bulk of the food for that day. Grandma rolled out plan B and we had plenty to eat between the pork roast, the ham and the two casseroles my sister had prepared.

Holly and I started our return north at halftime of the Packer game. The weather wasn't too bad, just some limited visibility. The only real problem we had was traffic around Rockford, and it took us 90 minutes to go 30 miles.

The only real weather problem was about 30 miles out of Milwaukee on I-43, where the snow was sticking to the freeway.

I dropped Holly off at home, sat for a bit, then headed to the store to get fixin's for lunch this week. Watched some of the Bears-Vikings game, then headed to bed.

Short weekend, but sometimes, that's all you get.

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