Wednesday, November 2, 2005


Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Hey God,
I'm tired alot lately. Could I have some restful sleep, and some not so tiring days soon, before I go nuts?


I knew when I got up today that I was tired. I woke up at 10:45am, ate breakfast, and then felt drained, right about 11:15 or so. Put on Rhapsody and laid in bed...fell asleep..woke up at 2pm. Showered, packed dinner and headed off to work. Busted my tail getting everything out, which was ALOT today. About midnight, two people mentioned how tired I looked. ONe was Nick, my material handler, the other my boss Jim. I knew I felt tired, but I also looked tired. I stayed for some overtime, then headed to the church to setup a computer logon for the new secretary, all the while thinking about my bed. I started wondering what's making me so tired. I'm getting enough hours of sleep at night. Is there something stressing me out? Am I'm worrying about something and I'm just not aware of it? For the live of me, I can't think of anything....and that's going to keep me up thinking too.

I'm thinking Saturday's gonna be a light one this week, to be my Sabbath day of sorts. I'd like to figure out how to make sure my time of relaxation is, well, relaxing. How I can rest in the Lord and be refreshed.

'til next time


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