I've been thinking lately about the people who have into, and in many cases, left my life. Sometimes these people left on their own accord, sometimes it was my choice, like with my move to Milwaukee.
There was this kid in kindergarten named Justin. Justin used to eat his crayons and drink his glue on an almost what seems like weekly basis. I kid not you, I'd turn around and look at him, and he'd be having lunch.
I remember a little blonde girl named Michelle, also from kindergarten. my first kiss. I believe her family moved that summer before first grade.
my friend Brandon. has a charm about him that I sometimes loathe, espcially after we graduated high school during the first summer. It seemed like I couldn't take him anywhere without hearing "excuse me, are you Brandon Brown?" It would make me want to scream...sometimes I did :P B is someone, who when you meet them, leave an impression on you that stays with you.
I know that I'm a person who people don't easily forget. For a while, when we did the Gathering on Tuesday nights in the Small Sanctuary at Ridgewood, people wouldn't remember my name, but they knew who I was..."The Loud One." Often, when someone else from the Gathering was out with a friend, the friend would mention me by name. The person would ask who?, and the friend would say..."Chad...The Loud One..."...and the person would be like..OH YEAH..Him!!! he's crazy! etc etc
I wonder now what I do on a daily basis to become unforgettable to people...unforgettable in a good way. It's ironic that often the people that stick in our brains are the ones who've offended us....for example, if I'm cut off in traffic, I can tell you the car, color and often license plate of the offender, as well as the gender, hair color and clothing. That just how I'm wired...snapshot detail. I think sometimes I have too good of memory for recall on things like that, when there are times I can't find my keys...
back to my point....what am I doing, daily, to be positively unforgettable?
I'm Canadian. And I dated an American for two years. I'm unforgettable!
He's not Brandon Brown... Brandon brown is nine feet tall and shoots fireballs out of his arse...
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