Wednesday, May 10, 2006


so for the last few days I've been wrestling with a potential change in vocation. I have a friend who has contacts looking for an intelligent, well heeled person to fill a position at their various name was mentioned to both. Interviewed with one on Tuesday (since this IS wednesday morning) and was given a pretty good idea of what I'd be doing if hired...basically, helping build the most expensive condo on Milwaukee's lakefront. Sounds demanding...I'm still chewing on the thought. The other job I interview for in about 8 hours...

why do I bring these up...I was thinking about it at work tonight, and I'm not sure either one presents an opportunity I want to take, or as Holly has asked me, "would I be happy doing X?" I realize that while I don't enjoy what I do currently, I also don't want to bail out for the promise of greener pastures, only to find cow patties waiting for me...

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